DDGT241 Semester Breakdown
Lectures from Spring 2024:
Order of Operations for Final Project
- Register the point clouds in TRW
- Fix any Non-Registered point clouds
- Verify that the point cloud alignments are correct. Turn the clouds on one by one in station order and confirm that they overlap.
- Merge projects if necessary
- Orientation – Align X and Y (possibly elevation)
- Move to Production.
- Go to Edit / Scan / Limit Box Extraction
- Adjust the Limit Box around the building you want.
- Use “ Sampling by Step” at “1”
- Edit / Scan / Limit Box Extraction
- Move onto Segmentation and break the point cloud into different, smaller clouds (walls, roof, junk, etc.)
- Shift project to DWG Coordinates
- Sampling. Select all point clouds one at a time and sample down to a smaller point cloud density. We will use these point clouds to export out as Recap files for AutoCAD.
DDGT241 2024.01.18 Final Project Overview 1:05:46
DDGT241 2024.02.05 Final Project - Figuring out the Scale Factor 28:31
Note: Google Earth Method does NOT work reliably. Use Google Maps.
DDGT241 2024.02.15 FP - Google Maps Terrain Image 30:13
DDGT241 2024.02.23 FP - Photoshop NVC Terrain Completed Section 5:05
DDGT241 2024.02.18 In Class Demo TRW - Viewing Point Clouds in AutoCAD 7:10
DDGT241 2024.02.18 In Class Demo TRW - File Management - Project Setup 28:09
DDGT241 2024.02.18 In Class Demo TRW - File Management - Separating Winery From Mac Lab and Facilities 14:11
DDGT241 2024.02.18 In Class Demo TRW - Point Cloud Registration - Winery 11:16
DDGT241 2024.02.18 In Class Demo TRW - Point Cloud Registration - Mac Lab and Facilities
DDGT241 2024.02.18 In Class Demo TRW - Fixing Non-Registered Scans DDGT Art and Ceramics
DDGT241 2024.02.18 In Class Demo TRW - Fixing Non-Registered Scans Winery 23:13
DDGT241 2024.02.18 In Class Demo TRW - Merging Projects I 14:43
DDGT241 2024.02.18 In Class Demo TRW - Point Cloud Verification Mac Lab and Facilities 1:07
DDGT241 2024.02.20 In Class Demo TRW - Point Cloud Verification DDGT ART Ceramics 16:11
DDGT241 2024.02.20 In Class Demo TRW - Merging Projects II 14:43
DDGT241 2024.02.20 In Class Demo TRW - XY Orientation 7:18
DDGT241 2024.02.20 In Class Demo TRW - Creating High Res Point Cloud of Individual Building 17:00
DDGT241 2024.02.21 In Class Demo TRW - Segmentation 1:12:07
DDGT241 2024.02.22 In Class Demo TRW - Align to AutoCAD DWG 38:29
DDGT241 2024.03.04 FP - Creating our Terrain Solid in Civil 3D and Master Terrain Material in PS 1:21:48
DDGT241 2024.03.05 FP - PS Terrain Material for Max and Material Application 1:05:59
DDGT241 2024.03.06 Inventor Test and AutoCAD Point Cloud and Modeling Overview 50:21
DDGT241 2024.03.07 In Class Demo TRW - Sampling and Exporting to Recap 27:45
DDGT241 2024.03.07 In Class Demo FP - AutoCAD File Setup for Building 3D Modeling 27:38
DDGT241 2024.03.11 In Class Demo - AutoCAD Master File Management and Inventor Printing Discussion 1:15:44
DDGT241 2024.04.08 FP - AutoCAD Master High Res File Setup 1:26:21
DDGT241 2024.04.10 FP - 3ds Max File Management 35:38
DDGT241 2024.04.10 FP - SketchFab Testing I 23:23
DDGT241 2024.04.11 FP - SketchFab Testing II 40:42
DDGT241 2024.04.15 FP - 3ds Max to Sketchfab Render and Export Testing 35:24
(Use Scanline Renderer)
DDGT241 2024.04.16 FP - Results from 3ds Max to Sketchfab Findings 3:56
DDGT241 2024.04.18 FP Update 13:07
DDGT241 2024.04.24 FP - 3ds Max XREF Materials Research 1:21:32
DDGT241 2024.04.25 FP - AutoCAD to 3ds Max Documentation Update 42:52
DDGT241 2024.04.29 FP - Inventor 3D Printed Campus File Management 28:28
DDGT241 2024.04.29 FP - Inventor 3D Printed Campus Import and AutoCAD File Preparation 25:50
DDGT241 2024.04.30 FP - Inventor Import and Final Management Finalized 53:56
DDGT241 2024.05.07 FP - Inventor Buildings Test Pieces 22:20
DDGT241 2024.05.07 FP - AutoCAD Building Elevations from Trimble I 18:33
DDGT241 2024.05.08 FP - Trimble AutoCAD Buildings Repositioned 45:24
DDGT241 2024.05.08 FP - AutoCAD and 3ds Max Building Realignment 14:54
DDGT241 2024.05.16 FP - Deliverables 1:55:16
- Overview of project existing status.
- Overview and description of project deliverables (output):
- 3D Printed Model Updates
- Website Updates: project description and interactive 3D model with annotation (and possibly animations).
- AR. Campus does not seem to be an option as it is too big. Individual buildings? Can this be outputted to a web format?
- Jhan recommends checking out Autodesk Infraworks to create low res campus. Something to check out.
- Phone App? (Image recognition on building numbers and classroom numbers to trigger events)
- Unity? (This is a nice addition but not a priority)
- Description of additional software students will be learning and what they do.
- Description of what industries are using these tools and how.
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- Students will be typically be assigned one building each, depending on complexity.
- Students will learn how to 3D Scan the exterior of the building using the Trimble TX6.
- Students will learn how to register their point cloud in Trimble Real Works breaking the point cloud into sub clouds for ground, buildings, foliage, etc.
- Students will export sections and elevations of their assigned building into AutoCAD.
Video Lectures (Spring 2024):
Getting Started with Trimble Realworks. The purpose of these videos is to showcase how to bring in your point clouds, register them together, and fix any non-registered scans. I am working with three separate scanned locations:
- The 3900 DDGT, 3700 ART, and 3500 Ceramics buildings - scanned in Spring 2023
- The 3200 winery buildings (4) - scanned in Spring 2024
- The 3950 MacLab and 4100 Facilities - also scanned in Spring 2024
When watching these videos, remember, you may not need to merge all of the point clouds together to work on your individual building. For example, if you are working on the Winery, you really only need to work with the Winery point cloud data and can ignore the other two scans. I am merging all the point clouds together for two reasons. First, I wanted to see if the computer and software could handle it (yes it can). Secondly, I had point cloud data for my building (3900) from two scans and I wanted the information from both of them. Lastly, when watching these videos, remember that I am also learning this software as well. I recommend watching the video once before actually following along.
Remember to make a COPY of the point cloud data to your own individual project folder so you do not modify any of the original data.
Trimble Realworks (TRW) Registration and Merging Point Clouds 4:01:51
Trimble Realworks (TRW) Production Mode: 3:42:01
This is based on a Youtube Production Series
Working with Point Clouds and 3D Modeling in AutoCAD:
Full Project Auto Segmentation and Terrain Contours:
How to create a Terrain and Material:
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- Two master files will start in AutoCAD.
- We will create a high-res master file and a separate low-res master file
- Each master file will XREF in the appropriate high-res or low-res version of the terrain, individual buildings, and other features.
- Buildings will be modeled in AutoCAD around the point cloud data. We will not import the whole point cloud as AutoCAD does not work well with point cloud data. Instead, cross sections and elevations of the point cloud will be brought in to model around.
- Terrain:
- Civil 3D tool to create mesh from contour: “-drape” (This only needs to be done in the project once). Check Polygon Counts
- Compare Civil high-res vs blender low-res.
- Ask Alan to create high-res version with his Civil 3D Google Earth Plug-in and compare.
- Ask Cari Roughly if she has access to ESRI Site Scan as an additional option.
- The original AutoCAD File is in the wrong scale.
- We need to rescale (to actual size) and reposition the files in AutoCAD.
- Based on the rescaled drawing, a new scale factor for the 3D Printed model will need to be calculated.
- No lighting or materials needed in these files, only geometry.
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- Two master files will start in 3ds Max.
- We are currently using the low-res terrain from Blender.
- We will need to recreate this as we are missing a corner of the model.
- If we continue using this file, the meshes will need to be decomposed into layers / separate buildings / trees, etc. Gradually replace blender model with our high-res models.
- We will create a high-res master file and a separate low-res file
- Each master file will XREF in the appropriate high-res or low-res version of the terrain, individual buildings, and other features.
- Materials will be added to these files using an XREF material library.
- It still needs to be determined if cameras and lighting need to be added.
- 3ds Max has a modifier called “retopology” to check out to optimize geometry.
- When creating a digital terrain image, use Goolge Maps. DO NOT USE Google Earth. This was our Failed attempt with Google Earth.
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NVC Campus Sketchfab Test
NVC Student Racecar Example
- Sketchfab is free and it has a many tools we are looking for.
- You can export an FBX file from 3ds Max with materials and animations.
- This allows you to add “Annotations” like building names.
- This allows you to play multiple animations independently if needed. Note: each animation must be in a separate range in the timeline (i.e. Animation A between 0 – 100 and Animation B between 101 – 200).
- This also has some AR / VR exporting options. Additional research needed.
- Potree is another open source free tool. It will convert your point cloud into an interactive model. It takes the points in the point cloud, removes unnecessary data, and converts the points into JPG “pixels” for optimized online viewing. Converts it into a JSON file.
- There is a free viewer on GitHub (will still need to be researched).
- The JSON file may be able to be brought into Unity. Research needed.
- Check out Twinmotion (Unreal Engine) as another tool. This will allow you to walk around the campus like a video game and it allows you to add lighting and high quality foliage. It has some AR / VR exporting options as well.
- DDGT Project Website Updates:
- Project website to be updated based on current project status.
- All “Notes” and “Instructions” to be updated based on current information.
- All interactive models to be updated
- Update any necessary images
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- The campus will be scaled down and printed at 4’ x 8’.
- A portion of the campus will be 3D Printed. The entire model does not fit at 4’ x 8’. We will cut off the flood zone area by the duck pond.
- The overall print will be modular in design. This will allow us to print in multiple pieces that will be assembled using magnets. This will also allow you to add and replace pieces as newer technology presents itself and updated models are created.
- The terrain will be printed at 9.60” x 9.60” squares. A 5 x 10 grid will be used creating 50 pieces.
- The buildings will be printed separately and placed using magnets.
- Questions to still resolve:
- Inventor or AutoCAD?
- Modify high-res or low-res version or create from scratch?
- I am leaning towards creating from scratch in Inventor using dimensions off of high-res AutoCAD files. Separate project file for each building / terrain / environment in a master Inventor Project with sub-projects used.
- At real world scale or final 3d printed model?
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- To use the Hololenses, each student must create an account. Designate a hololens for each student for the semeter so they do not have to worry about loggin in and out.
- Note: You must connect to an OPEN wifi to do the initial setup. The college wifi will not work as it requires you to go to the college website and authenticate. You will not be able to go to any website or put in any passwords for the initial setup. Students are recommended to turn on their phone hot spots (if they have one) and use that.
- Student phones should be connected to their providers connection, not the college wifi.
- Turn your phone wi-fi off.
- This only helps you get part way through setup. When you can no longer go any further, change the wifi connection to "Napa Guest" on the college wi-fi. This may require a reboot of the hololens.
- When you get connected to the wi-fi successfully, it will ask you to login to the work / school account. Use your napa valley email and password that you use everywhere else.
- It will ask you for verification on your phone.
- Additional research still needs to be completed to find out what is the best pipeline.
- We spent most of the semester just getting Unity authorized so it could be used.
- Note: During installation, a file is created that must be removed from the hard drive in order for the authorization to be completed.
- Unity required Visual Studio and many additional components to be installed in order to work and export out to other devices.
- LOD (Loading of Detail) Research needed. When you are far away, a low-res model is used but as you get closer in AR to your model, a higher-res model is used automatically.
- Interactive Models:
- Unreal Engine with TwinMotion needs to be researched.
- Spatial.io (walk around campus for website)
- To export out to Hololenses:
- You can use OneDrive to add models from the cloud but it is clunky.
- The best method to add models to the Hololens is to hook the Hololens directly to the computer using a USB-C cable and drag and drop the model using Microsoft Explorer. This is the easiest but it also gives you very limited options on controlling the model.
- If you want to add training controls to the model, you have to use “Dynamic 365 Guides”. We did not have time to research this any further.
- Remote Assist is an additional tool that works with Dynamic 365 Guides. It allows you to view the hololens info on a table or mobile device.
- To display Hololens Models on non-hololens devices:
- Miracast
- Allows you to broadcast onto a television what is being viewed on the hololens.
- Air Server is another option but this required purchasing a physical device that hooks up to the television.
- Microsoft 3D Viewer
- Used be used to view your hologram on your local computer before transferring it to the Hololens.
- The models created for Hololens must be REALLY optimized. We had very little success bringing in the entire campus that we had created. Further testing will need to be done once we create our final low-res versions. At this time we suggest only bringing in one building into AR at a time.
- To further optimize your models, we have several options to research:
- Simplygon (3D Games Optimization)
- Sketch Fab
- Recap Pro to Mesh
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- Design:
- AutoCAD
- Civil 3D
- 3ds Max
- Trimble Real Works
- Blender
- Augmented Reality:
- Unreal Engine?
- Spatial.io (walk around campus for website)
- Unity
- Visual Studio
- Dynamic 365 Guides?
- Miracast (allows you to broadcast onto a television what is being viewed on the hololens.)
- Microsoft 3D Viewer
- Air Server?
- Remote Assist?
- Simplygon (Unity Optimization)?
- Sketch Fab
- Adobe Dimension? (Photorealistic 3d images for product and packaging design.)
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