
Autodesk 3Ds Max is a 3D computer software for making 3D animations, models, and renders. The versatility of 3d Max enable the user to import non-native files from other programs such as AutodeskĀ© inventor or TrimbleĀ© Sketchup.

A blend between 3dsmax, after effects, inventor, Sketchup Photoshop.
This video represents the culmination of my 4 semester participation in the DDGT program at Napa valley College


This animation is part of my third semester final at Napa Valley College. Completing the design and animation of this video took me about half of a semester. "Robo-Pizza" is my first animation and my own free design concept. This project was produced using various Cad and Animation programs. The robot was almost completely built in inventor with the exception of the tracks that were built in 3Ds Max. The rigging and environment surrounding the robot was produced using 3Ds Max. This animation was rendered frame by frame and then put it together in Adobe Premiere. In Adobe Premiere I added the sound effects and I merged the rendered frames into a video sequence. I hope you enjoy my hard work.


"Gear Rotation"

I created this gears system in inventor and then i exported it into 3Ds Max. Before creating this gear i have to resolve some mathematical issues. I resolve the problem to one of the gear rotates at a third of the speed while the other rotates at three times the speed of the original Gear. I design the gears and its components to be use in a motor, but the project never came around in the class.

"Game Scenery"

i created this scenery in Google Sketchup and then i exported into 3Ds max. When i began creating this scenery it's goal was to serve as a scenery for a video game that the class was planning to develop. After a couple of months without movement the project freeze and now the future of developing a video game is unclear. The video game was environment in a reconstructed post apocalyptic future society. The planet was at first to be plan as earth, but throughout developing the scenery the planet became a moon in a distant advance base where humanity succumbed to its self-destructive origin.

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