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R2D2 Model And Print
Creating the 3D printed R2D2 model in Fusion 360 was a fun and challenging experience. I learned a lot about using the Fusion and 3D modeling through this project, like how to make sure each part of R2D2 was the right size and shape. I also found out how important it is to test and refine my design. By printing prototypes and making adjustments, I was able to improve the model's look and function. The hardest part was making sure the movable parts, like the head and the arms, worked smoothly. It took a lot of tries to get it right, but it taught me a lot about problem solving and mechanical design. Overall, this project helped me get better at using Fusion 360 and showed me the value of patience and attention to detail.

Thumbnail image of trolley assembly.
Rolling Position
Thumbnail image of trolley assembly.
Section View
Thumbnail image of trolley assembly.
Standing Position

Thumbnail image of trolley assembly.
Finished 3D Print