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My name is Noah Henderson, thanks for visiting my website. I am studying Digital Design and Graphics Technology (DDGT) at Napa Valley College where I am a student. At the conclusion of the DDGT program, I will be proficient in AutoCAD, Inventor, Dreamweaver, Revit, Photoshop, and more. Over the last few years I have become more interested in computers. This new found interest was what got me into the DDGT program.

Before I joined the DDGT program, I looked at many different career paths. Originally I planned to be an EMT, then I wanted to do TV production. I realized those weren’t for me and began looking for something else. This led me to finding a short introductory AutoCAD class. While that class was only focused on very simple drawings, I knew It was something I wanted to pursue. This is what led me to finding the DDGT program.

Outside of class, I have a deep love for sports, specifically football and basketball. In the past year, I have begun a journey to increase my ability to sprint and jump through weight lifting. Lifting has taught me to be better in all areas of my life, from sports performance to school. I have seen an all around improvement in my capabilities. Weight lifting is also teaching me to be consistent and dedicated and I am applying those attributes to other aspects of my life, including design.