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Napa Valley College • Bldg. 3900
Gary Strommen Program Coordinator
(707) 256-7526Contact Gary Strommen Facebook  Instagram
Napa Valley College • Bldg. 3900
Gary Strommen Program Coordinator
(707) 256-7526Contact Gary Strommen Facebook Instagram
Napa Valley College • Bldg. 3900
Gary Strommen Program Coordinator
(707) 256-7526Contact Gary Strommen Facebook Instagram
DDGT121 - Digital Design Graphics Technology 2
Spring 2015 Video Lectures

DDGT121 1/21/2015 11-55 Wheel Assembly 3D
DDGT121 1/22/2015 AutoCAD Templates Revised Intro
DDGT121 1/22/2015 AutoCAD Templates Revised Part 1
DDGT121 1/26/2015 AutoCAD Templates Revised Part 2
DDGT121 1/26/2015 Inventor Templates Revised Part 1
DDGT121 1/27/2015 Inventor Templates Revised Part 2
DDGT121 1/29/2015 Inventor Ch1 Introduction
DDGT121 1/29/2015 Inventor Ch2 Base Feature
DDGT121 1/29/2015 Inventor Ch3 Sketching Geometry
DDGT121 2/03/2015 Inventor Ch4 Additional Sketching Tools
DDGT121 2/03/2015 Inventor Ch5 Sketched Secondary Features
DDGT121 2/04/2015 Inventor Ch6 Creating Pick and Place Features
DDGT121 2/04/2015 Inventor Ch7 Work Features
DDGT121 2/04/2015 Inventor Ch8 Equations
DDGT121 2/05/2015 Inventor Ch9 Additional Features
DDGT121 2/05/2015 Inventor Ch10 Model Display Manipulation
DDGT121 2/05/2015 Inventor Ch11 Fixing Problems
DDGT121 2/09/2015 Inventor Ch12 Sweep Features
DDGT121 2/09/2015 Inventor Ch13 Loft Features
DDGT121 2/09/2015 Inventor Ch14 Duplication Tools
DDGT121 2/10/2015 Inventor Ch15 Feature Relationships
DDGT121 2/10/2015 Inventor Ch16 Assembly Environment
DDGT121 2/11/2015 Inventor Ch17 Joint Connections
DDGT121 2/11/2015 Inventor Ch18 Manipulating Assembly Display
DDGT121 2/12/2015 Inventor Ch19 Model Information
DDGT121 2/12/2015 Inventor Ch20 Design Presentation and Animatino
DDGT121 2/17/2015 Inventor Ch21 Assembly Tools
DDGT121 2/17/2015 Inventor Ch22 Assembly Parts and Features
DDGT121 2/18/2015 Inventor Ch23 Assembly Bill of Materials
DDGT121 2/18/2015 Inventor Ch24 Working With Projects
DDGT121 2/19/2015 Inventor Ch25 Drawing Basics
DDGT121 2/19/2015 Inventor Ch26 Detailing Drawings Part 1
DDGT121 2/23/2015 Inventor Ch26 Continued
DDGT121 2/23/2015 Revision Table and Symbols in AutoCAD and Inventor
DDGT121 2/24/2015 Inventor Ch27 Drawing Annotations (No Audio)
DDGT121 2/24/2015 Inventor Ch28 Customizing Autodesk Inventor
DDGT121 2/25/2015 Drill Press Bracket Overview
DDGT121 3/5/2015 Photoshop Theory
DDGT121 3/9/2015 Photoshop Layers, Adjustment Masks
DDGT121 3/10/2015 Photoshop Smart Objects, Filters, Layer Management, Vector Shapes, Text, Blending Modes, and Blending Options
DDGT121 3/11/2015 Photoshop Masks, Selections, Linking, and Onion Skinning
DDGT121 3/12/2015 Photoshop Poster Finish, Girl and Sprocket
DDGT121 3/16/2015 Photoshop Clone Stamp, Healing Brush, Content Aware on Wedding
DDGT121 3/17/2015 Photoshop Sharpening, Image Size vs Canvas Size vs Crop, Actions, Border, Dust N Scratches
DDGT121 3/17/2015 Photoshop Order of Operations
DDGT121 3/19/2015 Photoshop Vector Tools
DDGT121 3/23/2015 Photoshop Misc Tools and DWG to Photoshop Vector Logo
DDGT121 3/25/2015 Photoshop Web Layout Design and Considerations
DDGT121 4/6/2015 Photoshop Business Card and Acrobat Distiller
DDGT121 4/9/2015 Photoshop Save For Web
DDGT121 4/13/2015 Photoshop Animated GIFs
DDGT121 4/14/2015 Ch12 Manufacturing Materials
DDGT121 4/15/2015 Dreamweaver Theory
DDGT121 4/16/2015 Dreamweaver Template with background and linking CSS
DDGT121 4/20/2015 Dreamweaver Text CSS and Header Library Item
DDGT121 4/20/2015 Dreamweaver Library Items Update Fix
DDGT121 4/21/2015 Dreamweaver Footer and Navigation Options
DDGT121 4/22/2015 Dreamweaver Table Introductions
DDGT121 4/22/2015 Dreamweaver Template Table Addition
DDGT121 4/23/2015 AutoCAD Graphics for Web
DDGT121 4/27/2015 Inventor Graphics for Web
DDGT121 5/18/2015 Forming Process

Digital Design Graphics Technology
Napa Valley College • 2277 Napa-Vallejo HWY • Napa CA 94558
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