This is the header image that contains our logo and contact inforamtion.

Headshot of Sebatian Zepeda
        My name is Sebastian Zepeda and thank you for visiting my website! I am a college student at Napa Valley College, studying Digital Design and Graphics Technology. By the end of this two year program I will have extensive knowledge in multiple industry standard programs including AutoCAD, Inventor, Fusion360, Revit, 3DS Max, Photoshop, and more. As a person fascinated by all things physics and space related, I have big plans to be running my first business by creating and selling the things that I love, space themed figurines and puzzles.

        As the founder of Cosmic Curiosities, I will be personally responsible for designing, creating, and outsourcing many of the products that you see here in my store. I will also be managing the email you see on this site, so any queries you have will be directly answered by me. I have around three years of experience with Autodesk programs as well as three years of experience in customer service. In high school I played a key role in designing and manufacturing high performing robots that placed high in the 2018 and 2019 FIRST Robotics Competition. My role on the robotics team led me to receiving multiple awards including from the city and state including; The Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for Career Technical Education, The California State Legislature Certificate of Recognition for Engineering and Robotics, and The Napa County Office of Education Certificate of Achievement for Engineering and Robotics.

        If nothing else for my life, I want to be a lifelong learner. As a child I had an insatiable curiosity for all things science and engineering related; I was constantly dismantling my toys and asking “what?”, “how?”, and “why?” I believe that these questions open the door to lifelong success and knowledge. By exercising your mind and gathering as much useful information as you can about the world, you can not only do an insurmountable amount of good to yourself but also to others, and even the world. Through Cosmic Curiosities I want to nurture curiosity in others and give children and adults the opportunity of lifelong learning and success.