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Planetary Gears
        Part of getting my degree in Digital Design and Graphics Technology and Mechanical Drafting Local Skills Certificate meant taking DDGT 130 Intro to 3D Printing. This class teaches to the basics of 3D printing and how to use Fusion 360. The class assigns three projects. Project #1 is to create a single piece model. Project #2 is to create multiple pieces that fit together. Project #3 is to create a single model with moving parts. This planetary gear set was my project #3. I definitely could have choosen an easier project, but I'm glad I didn't because this is probably my favorite project I've ever created. It's very satisfying to move the gears and play with all three gear ratios. The hardest part about this project was getting the tolerance between the gears just right. If the tolerance was too big, the gears wouldn't mesh and would move all over the place. If the tolerance was too small, the gears would fuse together and wouldn't move at all. I plan on printing this model on my new, fancy 3D printer, the Bambu Labs X1 Carbon, which is able to print multiple types of plastic in one print. This would be a good practice for printing with dissolvable support material.